Today I'm going to walk through lots of different uses for toweling fabric at home.
The obvious use is for tea towels and dish towels. These are a great replacement for paper towels and much better for the environment as well. So easy to make, you just cut the required length and hem the two cut edges. For tea towels I cut a length 30" long and for dishtowels I cut 18" long.
Moda toweling is particularly useful in the kitchen for a variety of purposes.
The tea towels of course, but it works very well for oven mitts and aprons too.
In the sewing room, I have designed lots of useful projects that make your sewing space tidy and organised. From sewing machine covers, to block storage books, sewing pouches for your hand piecing project and tubs for your tools. The video below is a quick tour of my sewing space in our house. I mostly work in my studio/shop but like to sew at nights in the house, so this small space has everything I need to achieve that purpose.
Table runners and throw pillows are also gorgeous made with Moda Toweling. With the variety of widths now available 16", 18" and 60" you can make pillows any size you require. The can be just made from the fabric or appliquéd, fringed or pieced for extra effect.
Please browse the Patterns section of my website to see the variety of table runners available.

As you can see in the photo, I have fringed the ends of the table runner, instead of hemming. Watch the video on my previous blog to see how to achieve this. There is no sewing required. You can use the same technique to fringe a length of 60" wide toweling to make a cotton throw.
You can also see my Raggy Rail Fence quilt on the cane chair. The toweling chenilles really well and makes a cosy quilt with the addition of batting in between the layers.
The laundry room is another place where toweling projects are useful. I like to use my storage buckets for keeping hand towels and washing accessories. The pattern for these is in my book Farmhouse Fresh.

Also useful for laundry are the Southampton storage buckets.
The large one pictured here is a about 18" high and is perfect as a laundry hamper. There are 4 sizes included in the pattern.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg with all the uses of toweling, in your home. Below is a video tour of the quilts and pillows I am currently using in our bedroom.
Thank you for reading and watching, I hope this post shows you the versatility of toweling and some of the possibilities for using this fabric.