Zipper is the title of this weeks Bonus Block from Moda Fabrics.

I followed the cutting and assembly instructions for this block and incorporated the stripes into pieces B and C.
I cut my B and C pieces so the stripes ran parallel to the long side of each rectangle. You can see this in the picture below.

I used Diagonal Seam Tape as a guide for sewing the diagonal on the A squares. This made the block very easy and quick to sew.
Another tip is to cut each C rectangle from the same section of stripe. This is only important if it is a large scale stripe, like I am using. If it is a small pin stripe I wouldn't worry about this.
Please follow along on Instagram @piecestotreasure and Facebook, Pieces to Treasure Jenelle Kent, for more Moda Toweling adventures.
Happy Sewing,
Where do I find the instructions for the Bonus blocks?