This tea towel uses the same stitchery as the Bloom Pincushion. The stitchery template for this can be found in Free Patterns as the Bloom Pincushion.
I have chosen red and green threads to create a Christmas tea towel and to coordinate with the fabrics I have chosen.

You need 75cm of 18" wide toweling for this project and some coordinating fabrics.
Cut the background fabric for the stitchery ½" bigger than the cutting line on the pattern.
Complete the stitchery following the instructions from the Bloom Pincushion.
Cut a 5 ½" diameter circle from red print fabric, or fabric of your choice. I use a packet of large Perfect circles, I choose a circle the right diameter and use that as a template.
If you don't own Perfect Circles then cut a fabric circle 2" bigger all around than the cutting template on the stitchery pattern.
Sew a running stitch around the edges of both circles, ¼" from the edge. Leave both ends of the thread loose. Cut a circle template from Mylar or cardboard - cut one 4 ½" diameter and the other 3 ¼" diameter. You can use Perfect Circles if you have them.
Place the template on the back of the fabric circles and pull the ends of the threads so the fabric gathers up and over the edge of the template. Press well.
Loosen the gathers and remove the template. Press again.
From the Toweling fabric cut a 30" or 75cm length. Fold the unhemmed edges under ½", then ¾" and press. Stitch the hems on your sewing machine.
Cut a strip of white fabric 4" wide x 20" long. Fold the long edges under ½" and press.

Pin the strip on the tea towel so it is 3 ½" up from one short end. See the photograph.
Use your ruler as a guide to make the strip of fabric parallel to the short end.
Sew the strip to the tea towel very close to the folded edges. At both sides of the towel, tuck the short raw ends of the fabric strip under, so they match the sides of the towel. Sew across the short ends as well.

Position the prepared red circle in the centre of the fabric strip. Use rulers on each side so you can accurately centre the circle.
Stitch the circle in place by either hand or machine. You could also use a fancy stitch on your machine, if you wish.
Place the stitchery circle in the centre of the red circle and stitch in place.
Applique the centre circle on the stitchery, if you haven't done so already. The instructions for this are in the Bloom Pin Cushion download.
This tea towel makes a lovely gift or just looks festive in your kitchen at Christmas.
You can use any fabrics you like, no need to confine yourself to Christmas colours.
Happy sewing.