This block is by Laurie Simpson from Minick and Simpson. She designs some of my favourite fabrics and quilt projects ever, Her style is classic and timeless and her applique is to die for!
Well you can see I didn't try anything fancy with stripes in this block but I did stitch-and-flip the E corner triangles. I rarely cut triangles, I almost always try to use a stitch-and-flip method. So here are my alternative cutting instructions for the centre D-E section of this block.
6 ½" Block
Centre D square cut: 3 ½" x 3 ½" (x1)
E triangles cut: 2" x 2" (x4)
12 ½" block
Centre D sauare cut: 6 ½" x 6 ½" (x1)
E triangles cut: 3 ½" x 3 ½" (x4)
Place an E square on opposite corners of the centre D square and stitch across the diagonal. Trim off the excess fabric and press out.
Repeat for the remaining 2 corners of the D square.
This creates your centre section without having to cut and sew triangles.
Using a check for the B triangles is similar to using a print. Checks don't have the directionality of stripes so you don't need to think too much about cutting them first. So using them in the B triangles was an easy choice.
So that's it for this block.
Happy sewing,